10 February 2009

Serious Cheese Cake

Serious Cheese Cake

A Combination of The British Cheese Cake with its cream cheese filling decorated with pecan nuts and the continental one with its pastry base.

175 gm Shortcrust pastry-thawed if frozen
100 gm Butter-softened
150 gm caster suger
25 gm Flour
3 Eggs-Beaten
400 gm cream cheese
Grated zest and Juice of 2 Lemons
1 tsp Vanila essence
100 gm pecan nuts

1. Preheat the oven to 200c-gas 6.roll out the pastry into a 23 cm/9 in circle and use to line the base of a 20 cm/8 inc in buckle tin.It will come halfway up the edge of the tin.Prick the pastry and bake blind for 12-15 minutes. Allow to cool and lower the oven temperature to 150c/gas 1.

2. Cream the butter and sugar together until light and stir oe whisk in the flour wi
the a little egg.

3. Beat the cheese until soft, then add the butter mixture.
Gradually add the rest
off the egg,lemon zest and juice and vanilla essence and pour into the pastry base.

4. Arrange the pecan nuts in two circles on top of filling and bake in the oven for 11/2 hours until firm.

5. Turn off the oven and leave the door .Let the cheesecake cool slowly in the oven for 30 minutes.then take out of the oven and leave until cold.Remove from the tin and serve.

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